Bo Dallas Writes Open Letter To His Bo-Lievers, Ted DiBiase Jr. Talks About Leaving WWE
- As noted, former WWE star Ted DiBiase, Jr. is featured on the cover of the new Beacon Magazine, the alumni magazine of Mississippi College. The full interview is now online at this link. DiBiase talked about leaving WWE:
"Stepping out of the ring was frightening and exciting at the same time. We had financial security, but I was giving up time I would never get back. Now I'm not getting beat up or jumping off a top rope anymore. I'm home with my wife and my son instead of on the road 290 days a year."
- WWE's website has an open letter from Bo Dallas to his Bo-Lievers about how he will work hard to become NXT Champion again. Here's part of what he wrote:
"Bo-Lievers, on this day, I proclaim to you, you will never see someone fight as hard as I'm gonna fight and you will never see someone push as hard as I'm gonna push to one day once again become your NXT CHAMPION. Because I'm not only doing this for me, I'm doing this for the UNIVERSE. I love each and every one of you and I promise to never let you down again."
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