Photo: Nicole (@nicole_rose_54)
Source: Digital Spy
Digital Spy has an interview with WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E. who was promoting this Sunday's Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Here are just a few highlights:
Daniel Bryan's popularity:
"There's something to the fact that he's a bit of an everyman. That's something people can relate to. He's the guy who was told that he's not big enough or not tall enough and he's proving people wrong. It always resonates when you're told you don't fit a certain mould. People can identify with someone being too good to have to fit in a mould.
"He didn't have to be a certain model or a certain type or 6'4" to be successful. He has a chant that people can really get behind that people are excited to do. I think there's something about his struggle, his being told 'no', that really resonates with people."
Hulk Hogan returning:
"I think it'd be great for us. Hulk Hogan still has that aura, even though he's obviously older now, and probably not quite in his prime. But I think he'd be great for us because I know people in their 40s and 50s who remember watching Hulk Hogan as a kid.
"People who may not watch wrestling now, if they heard Hulk Hogan was coming back they might tune in. That buzz that he creates, the buzz of Hulk Hogan, I think would be good for business, so I'd definitely look forward to it."
If he would be surprised if CM Punk returned before WrestleMania:
"I think it'd be great. Obviously I'm not really aware of what's going, but I think there's a lot of people who desperately want him back, a lot of fans who would be excited to have him back.
"If that were to be the case, if he did return, I think there'd be a huge buzz around it. I think it would definitely be a positive thing. Like I said, I'm not sure particularly what's going on, if there's a chance or even a possibility or if it's imminent. But I know if he did return there'd be a lot of buzz and a lot of happy fans as well."
Big E. also discussed AJ Lee, wanting to face Goldberg at WrestleMania, the fake rumors of Vince McMahon wanting to but Newcastle United, if he prefers being a heel or a face and more. You can read the full interview by clicking here.