- Matt Hardy posted the promo below plugging his match with Michael Elgin at tonight's ROH event at the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory in Philadelphia, PA. Also on the card, Adam Cole defends the ROH World Championship against Chris Hero,
AJ Styles faces Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen will clash with Cliff Compton and reDRagon will defend the ROH World Tag Team Championship against ACH & Tadarius Thomas.
Source Wrestlinginc.comAJ Styles faces Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen will clash with Cliff Compton and reDRagon will defend the ROH World Tag Team Championship against ACH & Tadarius Thomas.
- Matt Hardy will also be in action at this Saturday's OMEGA Championship Wrestling event in Smithfield, North Carolina to benefit the Autism Society of North Carolina. Matt and will reunite with brother Jeff to team with Hurricane Helms to face Zane Dawson, X Siris and Ric Converse in a six man tag team match. You can get more details about the show at OMEGAchampionshipwrestling.com.
- Jeff Jarrett will be wrestling at tonight's AAA event in Mexico City, and then appear at SportsFest in Nashville at the Music City Center on Saturday at 3pm. He is a part of the speaker series and will be taking questions and signing autographs.