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My name is Ed Boston and this is my first time working for Wrestling I am the co-founder of DTRT Wrestling News and I'm honored to join you for tonight's broadcast.
Open with Gunner looking for James Storm in the back. Impact opened with Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary. Dixie Carter is not in attendance and gave control of the match making for tonight to Bobby Roode, ECIII,Rock Star Spud, and Magnus.
Our live coverage continues...
MVP comes to the ring and brings out Samoa Joe and Magnus for a Lockdown Main Event contract signing. After the signing, Magnus was in Samoa Joe's face taunting him. Samoa Joe then gave Magnus a beat down in the ring and then on the ramp.
Announcement that The Wolves beat The Bro Mans to win the Tag Teams Titles in a live event over the weekend. After the break, it will be The Wolves vs The Bro Mans vs Bad Influence.
Our live coverage continues...
Tenay reminded us that they were at Wimbley Arena in London,England as the 3-way tag match got underway. Bad Influence started by using some great teamwork and not tagging in either member of The Bro Mans. If The Bro Mans or Bad Influence win the match, they will join Roode's Team Dixie at Lockdown.
Robbie snuck a tag in and got the suprise win by pinning Kazarian. The Bro Mans join Team Dixie.
Interview in the back of EC3 for what he has planned in London. He gets to choose his own opponent, and vows to expose Kurt Angle with "the truth".
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Bobby Roode is trying to convince Austin Aries to join Team Dixie. No commitment from Aries.
EC3 vs Doug Williams (a local favorite). EC3 has made more than one reference to being the "new face of American wrestling". After a low blow on Williams, EC3 gets the win and then continues to attack Williams after the match.
James Storm enters the backstage area as we go to break.
Our live coverage continues...
James Storm's music hits as they show a replay of Storm screwing Gunner out of a win last week. Storm calls out Gunner to explain his actions.
Gunner comes out with a pissed off attitude. Storm proceeds to tell Gunner that Gunner used Storm to get where he is and that Gunner didn't appreciate all that Storm had done for him.
Gunner got in some good lines about his time in the Marines, and Storm says that he doesn't owe Gunner a damn thing. Gunner punches Storm and a minor scuffle ensues. Storm exits through the crowd as Gunner chased him with a chair.
Our live coverage continues...
Back from the break, Austin Aries and MVP are talking in the back. MVP wants Aries on his team at Lockdown. Aries wants to see who wants him more and asks to be the special guest referee in the match later tonight between MVP and Roode. MVP agrees.
Jeremy Borash is in the ring to induct Kurt Angle into the TNA Hall of Fame. A great video of Angle is shown before Angle is introduced.
Angle limps to the ring and is presented with a Rolex and is welcomed as the newest member of the TNA Hall of Fame. Angle has a huge smile on his face as the crowd chants his name.
Another loud ANGLE chant erupts and Angle finishes with it's a good night to be Kurt Angle.
EC3's music hits. He comes out with a his own touching video. The video is of Carter injuring Angle's leg. Carter has big news to break and Angle invites him into the ring.
Carter announces that Angle will have to have knee surgery due to EC3's attack 3 weeks ago. Carter suggests that Angle retire.
Angle asks why he got in the ring when Angle was going to rip his throat out? Angle gives his medical condition. MCL - no tear. ACL - no tear.
Angle punches Carter and EC3 leaves the ring, but Angle announces that it will be Angle vs Carter in a steel cage at Lockdown.
Lei'D Tapa and Alpha Female vs. Madison Rayne and Velvet Skye. Gail Kim and Chris Sabin are at ringside. Kim attacks Rayne while Sabin distracts the referee. Tapa gets the pin and the win. After the match Rayne and Velvet Skye are attacked until ODB comes out to make the save.
Samuel Shaw comes to the ring and asks Christy Hemme to join him. He says he enjoyed their time together, and talks about how other men look at her. He states he is here to protect her.
Mr. Anderson's music hits.
Anderson tells Shaw that his relationship with Christy "is not real". Shaw say women like Christy are always available and she slaps him. Anderson and Shaw mix it up and Shaw chokes out Anderson.
Jeff Hardy video of his new character plays before the break. Finishes with Willow is coming...
Storm heading to meet Gunner.
Gunner and James Storm brawling in the back between two semi trailers. Al Snow and other staff finally break them up and it's Storm vs Gunner at Lockdown.
Time for the Main Event.
Austin Aries comes out first as the special guest referee. Next out is Bobby Roode followed by MVP.
IMPACT Main Event is next.
Aries looks hilarious in wrestling shorts and boots with a referee shirt on.
Tenay and Taz talking about where Aries will end up and whether he can be objective as the referee tonight.
Very slow paced match to start out. Aries seems to be calling things right down the line.
Both wrestlers take turns on the offensive. Near falls by both both men and each get in Aries face when they didn't get the pin.
Aries nails MVP with a massive forearm and Roode hits the Roode Bomb. Aries counts 1-2-3 and Roode gets the pin and Aries joins Team Dixie.
It was a pleasure to bring this live TNA coverage to you tonight. The Storm vs Gunner feud is heating up big time, and the card for Lockdown is pretty well in place now except for the final member of Team MVP.
Until next week this is Ed and I'm outta here!